Friday, November 7, 2014

Be Famous or Be Normal?

Something Real by Heather Demetrios
“Bonnie Baker has grown up on TV- she and her twelve siblings are the stars if the one-time hit reality show Baker’s Dozen.  Since the show’s cancellation and the scandal surrounding it, Bonnie has tried to live a normal life.  But it’s all about to fall apart…”

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Want a good book about Libraries?

Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudson
Cyn’s best friend Annie seems to have fallen under the spell of the new hot High School librarian’s charms.  At first it seems harmless enough, and then things just get downright scary.  Cyn’s convinced the librarian is a demon, and with the help of her crush Ryan, they start the investigation.  

Summer's Hot YA Release of a LGBTQ Love Story

Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Senior year is almost over and Jamie still hasn’t told his best friend that he is gay.  Not only hasn’t he told Mason he’s gay, but Jamie also hasn’t told Mason he thinks he’s fallen in love with him.  Can Jamie do it?  Should he do it?  Will it wreak their friendship?